







一. 开启MongoDB慢命令检测功能(Database Profiler)



  • level为指定慢命令分析级别,0为不执行该命令;1为记录慢命令,当指定时间限制时(默认为超过100毫秒),超过该时间限制范围的执行命令都将记入system.profile文件中;2为记录所有执行命令的情况。
  • slowms为可选参数,指定时间限制范围(单位:毫秒),当超过该时间范围时,所执行命令就认为是慢命令。


> db.setProfilingLevel(1)

> db.setProfilingLevel(1,300)


> db.system.profile.find( { millis: { $gt:100 } } )
# millis为系统慢命令记录日志里的时间键名(key)


> db.setProfilingLevel(2)
> db.stats()
> db.system.profile.find().pretty()
	"op" : "command",
	"ns" : "test",
	"command" : {
		"dbstats" : 1,
		"scale" : undefined,
		"lsid" : {
			"id" : UUID("1258dc1d-cd38-42af-ac60-f2f34c273690")
		"$clusterTime" : {
			"clusterTime" : Timestamp(1580479289, 1),
			"signature" : {
				"keyId" : NumberLong(0)
		"$db" : "test"
	"numYield" : 0,
	"locks" : {
		"ParallelBatchWriterMode" : {
			"acquireCount" : {
				"r" : NumberLong(1)
		"ReplicationStateTransition" : {
			"acquireCount" : {
				"w" : NumberLong(1)
		"Global" : {
			"acquireCount" : {
				"r" : NumberLong(1)
		"Database" : {
			"acquireCount" : {
				"r" : NumberLong(1)
		"Collection" : {
			"acquireCount" : {
				"r" : NumberLong(3)
		"Mutex" : {
			"acquireCount" : {
				"r" : NumberLong(1)
	"flowControl" : {
	"responseLength" : 386,
	"protocol" : "op_msg",
	"millis" : 0,
	"ts" : ISODate("2020-01-31T14:01:38.820Z"),
	"client" : "",
	"appName" : "MongoDB Shell",
	"allUsers" : [ ],
	"user" : ""


  • op:记录的命令
  • ns:数据库名
  • ts:记录命令执行开始时间
  • millis:改命令执行的消耗时间(单位:毫秒)


二. 使用explain命令分析问题语句


> db.books.createIndex({name:1}) #对name键建立索引,books集合已经存在若干值
> db.books.createIndex({price:1}) #对price键建立索引
> db.books.find({price:{$gt:30}}, {name:1}).explain("executionStats") #对find命令执行explain()分析

三. Mtools工具分析日志


四. Mongoreplay监控工具


五. Mongostat监控工具


[root@slave01 ~]# mongostat -n 20 1
insert query update delete getmore command dirty used flushes vsize   res qrw arw net_in net_out conn                time
    *0    *0     *0     *0       0     1|0  0.0% 0.0%       0 1.48G 83.0M 0|0 1|0   165b   35.5k    3 Feb  1 15:53:35.523
    *0    *0     *0     *0       0     0|0  0.0% 0.0%       0 1.48G 83.0M 0|0 1|0   111b   35.4k    3 Feb  1 15:53:36.528
    *0    *0     *0     *0       0     1|0  0.0% 0.0%       0 1.48G 83.0M 0|0 1|0   112b   35.7k    3 Feb  1 15:53:37.525
    *0    *0     *0     *0       0     1|0  0.0% 0.0%       0 1.48G 83.0M 0|0 1|0   112b   35.7k    3 Feb  1 15:53:38.521
    *0    *0     *0     *0       0     0|0  0.0% 0.0%       0 1.48G 83.0M 0|0 1|0   111b   35.4k    3 Feb  1 15:53:39.525
    *0    *0     *0     *0       0     1|0  0.0% 0.0%       0 1.48G 83.0M 0|0 1|0   112b   35.7k    3 Feb  1 15:53:40.522

六. db.serverStaus命令


> db.serverStatus()
	"host" : "slave01",  #服务器主机名
	"version" : "4.2.2",   #当前MongoDB数据库版本号
	"process" : "mongod",   #进程名
	"pid" : NumberLong(1777),  #当前进程ID号
	"uptime" : 528,           #当前数据库已经运行时间(单位,秒)
	"uptimeMillis" : NumberLong(527409),  #当前数据库已经运行时间(单位,毫秒)
	"uptimeEstimate" : NumberLong(527), #MongoDB内部系统统计正常运行时间(单位,秒)
	"localTime" : ISODate("2020-02-01T07:25:54.031Z"), #UTC为单位的服务器当前时间,显示年月日时间
	"asserts" : {   #自MongoDB启动以来出现的各种错误数量报告
		"regular" : 0,
		"warning" : 0,
		"msg" : 0,
		"user" : 12,
		"rollovers" : 0
	"connections" : {   #客户端连接服务器的状态统计报告
		"current" : 1,
		"available" : 51199,
		"totalCreated" : 1,
		"active" : 1
	"electionMetrics" : {
		"stepUpCmd" : {
			"called" : NumberLong(0),
			"successful" : NumberLong(0)
		"priorityTakeover" : {
			"called" : NumberLong(0),
			"successful" : NumberLong(0)
		"catchUpTakeover" : {
			"called" : NumberLong(0),
			"successful" : NumberLong(0)
		"electionTimeout" : {
			"called" : NumberLong(0),
			"successful" : NumberLong(0)
		"freezeTimeout" : {
			"called" : NumberLong(0),
			"successful" : NumberLong(0)
		"numStepDownsCausedByHigherTerm" : NumberLong(0),
		"numCatchUps" : NumberLong(0),
		"numCatchUpsSucceeded" : NumberLong(0),
		"numCatchUpsAlreadyCaughtUp" : NumberLong(0),
		"numCatchUpsSkipped" : NumberLong(0),
		"numCatchUpsTimedOut" : NumberLong(0),
		"numCatchUpsFailedWithError" : NumberLong(0),
		"numCatchUpsFailedWithNewTerm" : NumberLong(0),
		"numCatchUpsFailedWithReplSetAbortPrimaryCatchUpCmd" : NumberLong(0),
		"averageCatchUpOps" : 0
	"extra_info" : {    #提供数据库系统底层相关信息的统计报告
		"note" : "fields vary by platform",
		"user_time_us" : NumberLong(1180422),
		"system_time_us" : NumberLong(3063335),
		"maximum_resident_set_kb" : NumberLong(82932),
		"input_blocks" : NumberLong(14352),
		"output_blocks" : NumberLong(2736),
		"page_reclaims" : NumberLong(8378),
		"page_faults" : NumberLong(2),
		"voluntary_context_switches" : NumberLong(18599),
		"involuntary_context_switches" : NumberLong(33)
	"flowControl" : {    #流控情况
		"enabled" : true,
		"targetRateLimit" : 1000000000,
		"timeAcquiringMicros" : NumberLong(20),
		"locksPerOp" : 0,
		"sustainerRate" : 0,
		"isLagged" : false,
		"isLaggedCount" : 0,
		"isLaggedTimeMicros" : NumberLong(0)
	"freeMonitoring" : {
		"state" : "undecided"
	"globalLock" : {   #提供数据库锁定状态的详细统计报告
		"totalTime" : NumberLong(527407000),
		"currentQueue" : {
			"total" : 0,
			"readers" : 0,
			"writers" : 0
		"activeClients" : {
			"total" : 0,
			"readers" : 0,
			"writers" : 0
	"locks" : {    #对每个锁详细信息进行统计报告
		"ParallelBatchWriterMode" : {
			"acquireCount" : {
				"r" : NumberLong(32)
		"ReplicationStateTransition" : {
			"acquireCount" : {
				"w" : NumberLong(1625)
		"Global" : {
			"acquireCount" : {
				"r" : NumberLong(1609),
				"w" : NumberLong(12),
				"W" : NumberLong(4)
		"Database" : {
			"acquireCount" : {
				"r" : NumberLong(556),
				"w" : NumberLong(9),
				"W" : NumberLong(3)
		"Collection" : {
			"acquireCount" : {
				"r" : NumberLong(592),
				"w" : NumberLong(9)
		"Mutex" : {
			"acquireCount" : {
				"r" : NumberLong(570)
		"oplog" : {
			"acquireCount" : {
				"r" : NumberLong(528)
	"logicalSessionRecordCache" : {
		"activeSessionsCount" : 1,
		"sessionsCollectionJobCount" : 2,
		"lastSessionsCollectionJobDurationMillis" : 12,
		"lastSessionsCollectionJobTimestamp" : ISODate("2020-02-01T07:22:07.417Z"),
		"lastSessionsCollectionJobEntriesRefreshed" : 1,
		"lastSessionsCollectionJobEntriesEnded" : 0,
		"lastSessionsCollectionJobCursorsClosed" : 0,
		"transactionReaperJobCount" : 2,
		"lastTransactionReaperJobDurationMillis" : 0,
		"lastTransactionReaperJobTimestamp" : ISODate("2020-02-01T07:22:07.417Z"),
		"lastTransactionReaperJobEntriesCleanedUp" : 0,
		"sessionCatalogSize" : 0
	"network" : {             #MongoDB网络使用情况统计报告
		"bytesIn" : NumberLong(2233),
		"bytesOut" : NumberLong(44003),
		"physicalBytesIn" : NumberLong(2233),
		"physicalBytesOut" : NumberLong(44003),
		"numRequests" : NumberLong(19),
		"compression" : {
			"snappy" : {
				"compressor" : {
					"bytesIn" : NumberLong(0),
					"bytesOut" : NumberLong(0)
				"decompressor" : {
					"bytesIn" : NumberLong(0),
					"bytesOut" : NumberLong(0)
			"zstd" : {
				"compressor" : {
					"bytesIn" : NumberLong(0),
					"bytesOut" : NumberLong(0)
				"decompressor" : {
					"bytesIn" : NumberLong(0),
					"bytesOut" : NumberLong(0)
			"zlib" : {
				"compressor" : {
					"bytesIn" : NumberLong(0),
					"bytesOut" : NumberLong(0)
				"decompressor" : {
					"bytesIn" : NumberLong(0),
					"bytesOut" : NumberLong(0)
		"serviceExecutorTaskStats" : {
			"executor" : "passthrough",
			"threadsRunning" : 1
	"opLatencies" : {    #数据库操作延迟内容文档报告
		"reads" : {
			"latency" : NumberLong(0),
			"ops" : NumberLong(0)
		"writes" : {
			"latency" : NumberLong(0),
			"ops" : NumberLong(0)
		"commands" : {
			"latency" : NumberLong(58311),
			"ops" : NumberLong(18)
		"transactions" : {
			"latency" : NumberLong(0),
			"ops" : NumberLong(0)
	"opReadConcernCounters" : {
		"available" : NumberLong(0),
		"linearizable" : NumberLong(0),
		"local" : NumberLong(0),
		"majority" : NumberLong(0),
		"snapshot" : NumberLong(0),
		"none" : NumberLong(3)
	"opcounters" : {        #自数据库启动以来分类对数据库操作进行统计报告
		"insert" : NumberLong(0),
		"query" : NumberLong(3),
		"update" : NumberLong(1),
		"delete" : NumberLong(0),
		"getmore" : NumberLong(0),
		"command" : NumberLong(23)
	"opcountersRepl" : {    #自数据库启动以来,分类统计复制操作并形成报告,用于副本集。
		"insert" : NumberLong(0),
		"query" : NumberLong(0),
		"update" : NumberLong(0),
		"delete" : NumberLong(0),
		"getmore" : NumberLong(0),
		"command" : NumberLong(0)
	"storageEngine" : {        #存储引擎
		"name" : "wiredTiger",
		"supportsCommittedReads" : true,
		"oldestRequiredTimestampForCrashRecovery" : Timestamp(0, 0),
		"supportsPendingDrops" : true,
		"dropPendingIdents" : NumberLong(0),
		"supportsSnapshotReadConcern" : true,
		"readOnly" : false,
		"persistent" : true,
		"backupCursorOpen" : false
	"tcmalloc" : {
		"generic" : {
			"current_allocated_bytes" : 95329872,
			"heap_size" : 98521088
		"tcmalloc" : {
			"pageheap_free_bytes" : 2093056,
			"pageheap_unmapped_bytes" : 0,
			"max_total_thread_cache_bytes" : 514850816,
			"current_total_thread_cache_bytes" : 851688,
			"total_free_bytes" : 1098160,
			"central_cache_free_bytes" : 151240,
			"transfer_cache_free_bytes" : 95232,
			"thread_cache_free_bytes" : 851688,
			"aggressive_memory_decommit" : 0,
			"pageheap_committed_bytes" : 98521088,
			"pageheap_scavenge_count" : 0,
			"pageheap_commit_count" : 51,
			"pageheap_total_commit_bytes" : 98521088,
			"pageheap_decommit_count" : 0,
			"pageheap_total_decommit_bytes" : 0,
			"pageheap_reserve_count" : 51,
			"pageheap_total_reserve_bytes" : 98521088,
			"spinlock_total_delay_ns" : 0,
			"formattedString" : "------------------------------------------------\nMALLOC:       95330448 (   90.9 MiB) Bytes in use by application\nMALLOC: +      2093056 (    2.0 MiB) Bytes in page heap freelist\nMALLOC: +       151240 (    0.1 MiB) Bytes in central cache freelist\nMALLOC: +        95232 (    0.1 MiB) Bytes in transfer cache freelist\nMALLOC: +       851112 (    0.8 MiB) Bytes in thread cache freelists\nMALLOC: +      2752512 (    2.6 MiB) Bytes in malloc metadata\nMALLOC:   ------------\nMALLOC: =    101273600 (   96.6 MiB) Actual memory used (physical + swap)\nMALLOC: +            0 (    0.0 MiB) Bytes released to OS (aka unmapped)\nMALLOC:   ------------\nMALLOC: =    101273600 (   96.6 MiB) Virtual address space used\nMALLOC:\nMALLOC:            690              Spans in use\nMALLOC:             27              Thread heaps in use\nMALLOC:           4096              Tcmalloc page size\n------------------------------------------------\nCall ReleaseFreeMemory() to release freelist memory to the OS (via madvise()).\nBytes released to the OS take up virtual address space but no physical memory.\n"
	"trafficRecording" : {
		"running" : false
	"transactions" : {
		"retriedCommandsCount" : NumberLong(0),
		"retriedStatementsCount" : NumberLong(0),
		"transactionsCollectionWriteCount" : NumberLong(0),
		"currentActive" : NumberLong(0),
		"currentInactive" : NumberLong(0),
		"currentOpen" : NumberLong(0),
		"totalAborted" : NumberLong(0),
		"totalCommitted" : NumberLong(0),
		"totalStarted" : NumberLong(0),
		"totalPrepared" : NumberLong(0),
		"totalPreparedThenCommitted" : NumberLong(0),
		"totalPreparedThenAborted" : NumberLong(0),
		"currentPrepared" : NumberLong(0)
	"transportSecurity" : {
		"1.0" : NumberLong(0),
		"1.1" : NumberLong(0),
		"1.2" : NumberLong(0),
		"1.3" : NumberLong(0),
		"unknown" : NumberLong(0)
	"twoPhaseCommitCoordinator" : {
		"totalCreated" : NumberLong(0),
		"totalStartedTwoPhaseCommit" : NumberLong(0),
		"totalAbortedTwoPhaseCommit" : NumberLong(0),
		"totalCommittedTwoPhaseCommit" : NumberLong(0),
		"currentInSteps" : {
			"writingParticipantList" : NumberLong(0),
			"waitingForVotes" : NumberLong(0),
			"writingDecision" : NumberLong(0),
			"waitingForDecisionAcks" : NumberLong(0),
			"deletingCoordinatorDoc" : NumberLong(0)
	"wiredTiger" : {   #wiredTiger引擎详细使用信息。
		"uri" : "statistics:",
		"async" : {
			"current work queue length" : 0,
			"maximum work queue length" : 0,
			"number of allocation state races" : 0,
			"number of flush calls" : 0,
			"number of operation slots viewed for allocation" : 0,
			"number of times operation allocation failed" : 0,
			"number of times worker found no work" : 0,
			"total allocations" : 0,
			"total compact calls" : 0,
			"total insert calls" : 0,
			"total remove calls" : 0,
			"total search calls" : 0,
			"total update calls" : 0
		"block-manager" : {
			"blocks pre-loaded" : 12,
			"blocks read" : 40,
			"blocks written" : 63,
			"bytes read" : 282624,
			"bytes written" : 512000,
			"bytes written for checkpoint" : 512000,
			"mapped blocks read" : 0,
			"mapped bytes read" : 0
		"cache" : {
			"application threads page read from disk to cache count" : 6,
			"application threads page read from disk to cache time (usecs)" : 41,
			"application threads page write from cache to disk count" : 33,
			"application threads page write from cache to disk time (usecs)" : 2962,
			"bytes belonging to page images in the cache" : 205911,
			"bytes belonging to the cache overflow table in the cache" : 182,
			"bytes currently in the cache" : 236372,
			"bytes dirty in the cache cumulative" : 231288,
			"bytes not belonging to page images in the cache" : 30460,
			"bytes read into cache" : 190659,
			"bytes written from cache" : 328519,
			"cache overflow cursor application thread wait time (usecs)" : 0,
			"cache overflow cursor internal thread wait time (usecs)" : 0,
			"cache overflow score" : 0,
			"cache overflow table entries" : 0,
			"cache overflow table insert calls" : 0,
			"cache overflow table max on-disk size" : 0,
			"cache overflow table on-disk size" : 0,
			"cache overflow table remove calls" : 0,
			"checkpoint blocked page eviction" : 0,
			"eviction calls to get a page" : 3,
			"eviction calls to get a page found queue empty" : 3,
			"eviction calls to get a page found queue empty after locking" : 0,
			"eviction currently operating in aggressive mode" : 0,
			"eviction empty score" : 0,
			"eviction passes of a file" : 0,
			"eviction server candidate queue empty when topping up" : 0,
			"eviction server candidate queue not empty when topping up" : 0,
			"eviction server evicting pages" : 0,
			"eviction server slept, because we did not make progress with eviction" : 0,
			"eviction server unable to reach eviction goal" : 0,
			"eviction server waiting for a leaf page" : 0,
			"eviction state" : 128,
			"eviction walk target pages histogram - 0-9" : 0,
			"eviction walk target pages histogram - 10-31" : 0,
			"eviction walk target pages histogram - 128 and higher" : 0,
			"eviction walk target pages histogram - 32-63" : 0,
			"eviction walk target pages histogram - 64-128" : 0,
			"eviction walk target strategy both clean and dirty pages" : 0,
			"eviction walk target strategy only clean pages" : 0,
			"eviction walk target strategy only dirty pages" : 0,
			"eviction walks abandoned" : 0,
			"eviction walks gave up because they restarted their walk twice" : 0,
			"eviction walks gave up because they saw too many pages and found no candidates" : 0,
			"eviction walks gave up because they saw too many pages and found too few candidates" : 0,
			"eviction walks reached end of tree" : 0,
			"eviction walks started from root of tree" : 0,
			"eviction walks started from saved location in tree" : 0,
			"eviction worker thread active" : 4,
			"eviction worker thread created" : 0,
			"eviction worker thread evicting pages" : 0,
			"eviction worker thread removed" : 0,
			"eviction worker thread stable number" : 0,
			"files with active eviction walks" : 0,
			"files with new eviction walks started" : 0,
			"force re-tuning of eviction workers once in a while" : 0,
			"forced eviction - pages evicted that were clean count" : 0,
			"forced eviction - pages evicted that were clean time (usecs)" : 0,
			"forced eviction - pages evicted that were dirty count" : 0,
			"forced eviction - pages evicted that were dirty time (usecs)" : 0,
			"forced eviction - pages selected because of too many deleted items count" : 0,
			"forced eviction - pages selected count" : 0,
			"forced eviction - pages selected unable to be evicted count" : 0,
			"forced eviction - pages selected unable to be evicted time" : 0,
			"hazard pointer blocked page eviction" : 0,
			"hazard pointer check calls" : 0,
			"hazard pointer check entries walked" : 0,
			"hazard pointer maximum array length" : 0,
			"in-memory page passed criteria to be split" : 0,
			"in-memory page splits" : 0,
			"internal pages evicted" : 0,
			"internal pages queued for eviction" : 0,
			"internal pages seen by eviction walk" : 0,
			"internal pages seen by eviction walk that are already queued" : 0,
			"internal pages split during eviction" : 0,
			"leaf pages split during eviction" : 0,
			"maximum bytes configured" : 1523580928,
			"maximum page size at eviction" : 0,
			"modified pages evicted" : 0,
			"modified pages evicted by application threads" : 0,
			"operations timed out waiting for space in cache" : 0,
			"overflow pages read into cache" : 0,
			"page split during eviction deepened the tree" : 0,
			"page written requiring cache overflow records" : 0,
			"pages currently held in the cache" : 26,
			"pages evicted by application threads" : 0,
			"pages queued for eviction" : 0,
			"pages queued for eviction post lru sorting" : 0,
			"pages queued for urgent eviction" : 0,
			"pages queued for urgent eviction during walk" : 0,
			"pages read into cache" : 19,
			"pages read into cache after truncate" : 3,
			"pages read into cache after truncate in prepare state" : 0,
			"pages read into cache requiring cache overflow entries" : 0,
			"pages read into cache requiring cache overflow for checkpoint" : 0,
			"pages read into cache skipping older cache overflow entries" : 0,
			"pages read into cache with skipped cache overflow entries needed later" : 0,
			"pages read into cache with skipped cache overflow entries needed later by checkpoint" : 0,
			"pages requested from the cache" : 1319,
			"pages seen by eviction walk" : 0,
			"pages seen by eviction walk that are already queued" : 0,
			"pages selected for eviction unable to be evicted" : 0,
			"pages selected for eviction unable to be evicted as the parent page has overflow items" : 0,
			"pages selected for eviction unable to be evicted because of active children on an internal page" : 0,
			"pages selected for eviction unable to be evicted because of failure in reconciliation" : 0,
			"pages selected for eviction unable to be evicted due to newer modifications on a clean page" : 0,
			"pages walked for eviction" : 0,
			"pages written from cache" : 34,
			"pages written requiring in-memory restoration" : 0,
			"percentage overhead" : 8,
			"tracked bytes belonging to internal pages in the cache" : 4672,
			"tracked bytes belonging to leaf pages in the cache" : 231700,
			"tracked dirty bytes in the cache" : 0,
			"tracked dirty pages in the cache" : 0,
			"unmodified pages evicted" : 0
		"capacity" : {
			"background fsync file handles considered" : 0,
			"background fsync file handles synced" : 0,
			"background fsync time (msecs)" : 0,
			"bytes read" : 196608,
			"bytes written for checkpoint" : 284627,
			"bytes written for eviction" : 0,
			"bytes written for log" : 1258265984,
			"bytes written total" : 1258550611,
			"threshold to call fsync" : 0,
			"time waiting due to total capacity (usecs)" : 0,
			"time waiting during checkpoint (usecs)" : 0,
			"time waiting during eviction (usecs)" : 0,
			"time waiting during logging (usecs)" : 0,
			"time waiting during read (usecs)" : 0
		"connection" : {
			"auto adjusting condition resets" : 40,
			"auto adjusting condition wait calls" : 3268,
			"detected system time went backwards" : 0,
			"files currently open" : 14,
			"memory allocations" : 22271,
			"memory frees" : 21286,
			"memory re-allocations" : 2800,
			"pthread mutex condition wait calls" : 8703,
			"pthread mutex shared lock read-lock calls" : 6405,
			"pthread mutex shared lock write-lock calls" : 654,
			"total fsync I/Os" : 51,
			"total read I/Os" : 1302,
			"total write I/Os" : 87
		"cursor" : {
			"cached cursor count" : 13,
			"cursor bulk loaded cursor insert calls" : 0,
			"cursor close calls that result in cache" : 33,
			"cursor create calls" : 295,
			"cursor insert calls" : 16,
			"cursor insert key and value bytes" : 11847,
			"cursor modify calls" : 0,
			"cursor modify key and value bytes affected" : 0,
			"cursor modify value bytes modified" : 0,
			"cursor next calls" : 434,
			"cursor operation restarted" : 0,
			"cursor prev calls" : 8,
			"cursor remove calls" : 1,
			"cursor remove key bytes removed" : 22,
			"cursor reserve calls" : 0,
			"cursor reset calls" : 1218,
			"cursor search calls" : 1236,
			"cursor search near calls" : 15,
			"cursor sweep buckets" : 96,
			"cursor sweep cursors closed" : 0,
			"cursor sweep cursors examined" : 1,
			"cursor sweeps" : 16,
			"cursor truncate calls" : 0,
			"cursor update calls" : 0,
			"cursor update key and value bytes" : 0,
			"cursor update value size change" : 0,
			"cursors reused from cache" : 19,
			"open cursor count" : 22
		"data-handle" : {
			"connection data handle size" : 432,
			"connection data handles currently active" : 20,
			"connection sweep candidate became referenced" : 0,
			"connection sweep dhandles closed" : 0,
			"connection sweep dhandles removed from hash list" : 8,
			"connection sweep time-of-death sets" : 41,
			"connection sweeps" : 52,
			"session dhandles swept" : 0,
			"session sweep attempts" : 107
		"lock" : {
			"checkpoint lock acquisitions" : 9,
			"checkpoint lock application thread wait time (usecs)" : 0,
			"checkpoint lock internal thread wait time (usecs)" : 0,
			"dhandle lock application thread time waiting (usecs)" : 0,
			"dhandle lock internal thread time waiting (usecs)" : 0,
			"dhandle read lock acquisitions" : 2171,
			"dhandle write lock acquisitions" : 36,
			"durable timestamp queue lock application thread time waiting (usecs)" : 0,
			"durable timestamp queue lock internal thread time waiting (usecs)" : 0,
			"durable timestamp queue read lock acquisitions" : 0,
			"durable timestamp queue write lock acquisitions" : 0,
			"metadata lock acquisitions" : 7,
			"metadata lock application thread wait time (usecs)" : 0,
			"metadata lock internal thread wait time (usecs)" : 0,
			"read timestamp queue lock application thread time waiting (usecs)" : 0,
			"read timestamp queue lock internal thread time waiting (usecs)" : 0,
			"read timestamp queue read lock acquisitions" : 0,
			"read timestamp queue write lock acquisitions" : 0,
			"schema lock acquisitions" : 29,
			"schema lock application thread wait time (usecs)" : 0,
			"schema lock internal thread wait time (usecs)" : 0,
			"table lock application thread time waiting for the table lock (usecs)" : 0,
			"table lock internal thread time waiting for the table lock (usecs)" : 0,
			"table read lock acquisitions" : 0,
			"table write lock acquisitions" : 11,
			"txn global lock application thread time waiting (usecs)" : 0,
			"txn global lock internal thread time waiting (usecs)" : 0,
			"txn global read lock acquisitions" : 27,
			"txn global write lock acquisitions" : 21
		"log" : {
			"busy returns attempting to switch slots" : 0,
			"force archive time sleeping (usecs)" : 0,
			"log bytes of payload data" : 6925,
			"log bytes written" : 9728,
			"log files manually zero-filled" : 0,
			"log flush operations" : 5163,
			"log force write operations" : 5730,
			"log force write operations skipped" : 5727,
			"log records compressed" : 6,
			"log records not compressed" : 1,
			"log records too small to compress" : 19,
			"log release advances write LSN" : 9,
			"log scan operations" : 6,
			"log scan records requiring two reads" : 0,
			"log server thread advances write LSN" : 3,
			"log server thread write LSN walk skipped" : 1505,
			"log sync operations" : 12,
			"log sync time duration (usecs)" : 6699,
			"log sync_dir operations" : 1,
			"log sync_dir time duration (usecs)" : 1,
			"log write operations" : 26,
			"logging bytes consolidated" : 9216,
			"maximum log file size" : 104857600,
			"number of pre-allocated log files to create" : 2,
			"pre-allocated log files not ready and missed" : 1,
			"pre-allocated log files prepared" : 2,
			"pre-allocated log files used" : 0,
			"records processed by log scan" : 13,
			"slot close lost race" : 0,
			"slot close unbuffered waits" : 0,
			"slot closures" : 12,
			"slot join atomic update races" : 0,
			"slot join calls atomic updates raced" : 0,
			"slot join calls did not yield" : 26,
			"slot join calls found active slot closed" : 0,
			"slot join calls slept" : 0,
			"slot join calls yielded" : 0,
			"slot join found active slot closed" : 0,
			"slot joins yield time (usecs)" : 0,
			"slot transitions unable to find free slot" : 0,
			"slot unbuffered writes" : 0,
			"total in-memory size of compressed records" : 11665,
			"total log buffer size" : 33554432,
			"total size of compressed records" : 6140,
			"written slots coalesced" : 0,
			"yields waiting for previous log file close" : 0
		"perf" : {
			"file system read latency histogram (bucket 1) - 10-49ms" : 7,
			"file system read latency histogram (bucket 2) - 50-99ms" : 0,
			"file system read latency histogram (bucket 3) - 100-249ms" : 0,
			"file system read latency histogram (bucket 4) - 250-499ms" : 0,
			"file system read latency histogram (bucket 5) - 500-999ms" : 0,
			"file system read latency histogram (bucket 6) - 1000ms+" : 0,
			"file system write latency histogram (bucket 1) - 10-49ms" : 0,
			"file system write latency histogram (bucket 2) - 50-99ms" : 0,
			"file system write latency histogram (bucket 3) - 100-249ms" : 0,
			"file system write latency histogram (bucket 4) - 250-499ms" : 0,
			"file system write latency histogram (bucket 5) - 500-999ms" : 0,
			"file system write latency histogram (bucket 6) - 1000ms+" : 0,
			"operation read latency histogram (bucket 1) - 100-249us" : 0,
			"operation read latency histogram (bucket 2) - 250-499us" : 0,
			"operation read latency histogram (bucket 3) - 500-999us" : 0,
			"operation read latency histogram (bucket 4) - 1000-9999us" : 0,
			"operation read latency histogram (bucket 5) - 10000us+" : 0,
			"operation write latency histogram (bucket 1) - 100-249us" : 0,
			"operation write latency histogram (bucket 2) - 250-499us" : 0,
			"operation write latency histogram (bucket 3) - 500-999us" : 0,
			"operation write latency histogram (bucket 4) - 1000-9999us" : 0,
			"operation write latency histogram (bucket 5) - 10000us+" : 0
		"reconciliation" : {
			"fast-path pages deleted" : 0,
			"page reconciliation calls" : 36,
			"page reconciliation calls for eviction" : 0,
			"pages deleted" : 2,
			"split bytes currently awaiting free" : 0,
			"split objects currently awaiting free" : 0
		"session" : {
			"open session count" : 19,
			"session query timestamp calls" : 0,
			"table alter failed calls" : 0,
			"table alter successful calls" : 0,
			"table alter unchanged and skipped" : 0,
			"table compact failed calls" : 0,
			"table compact successful calls" : 0,
			"table create failed calls" : 0,
			"table create successful calls" : 1,
			"table drop failed calls" : 0,
			"table drop successful calls" : 0,
			"table import failed calls" : 0,
			"table import successful calls" : 0,
			"table rebalance failed calls" : 0,
			"table rebalance successful calls" : 0,
			"table rename failed calls" : 0,
			"table rename successful calls" : 0,
			"table salvage failed calls" : 0,
			"table salvage successful calls" : 0,
			"table truncate failed calls" : 0,
			"table truncate successful calls" : 0,
			"table verify failed calls" : 0,
			"table verify successful calls" : 0
		"thread-state" : {
			"active filesystem fsync calls" : 0,
			"active filesystem read calls" : 0,
			"active filesystem write calls" : 0
		"thread-yield" : {
			"application thread time evicting (usecs)" : 0,
			"application thread time waiting for cache (usecs)" : 0,
			"connection close blocked waiting for transaction state stabilization" : 0,
			"connection close yielded for lsm manager shutdown" : 0,
			"data handle lock yielded" : 0,
			"get reference for page index and slot time sleeping (usecs)" : 0,
			"log server sync yielded for log write" : 0,
			"page access yielded due to prepare state change" : 0,
			"page acquire busy blocked" : 0,
			"page acquire eviction blocked" : 0,
			"page acquire locked blocked" : 0,
			"page acquire read blocked" : 0,
			"page acquire time sleeping (usecs)" : 0,
			"page delete rollback time sleeping for state change (usecs)" : 0,
			"page reconciliation yielded due to child modification" : 0
		"transaction" : {
			"Number of prepared updates" : 0,
			"Number of prepared updates added to cache overflow" : 0,
			"durable timestamp queue entries walked" : 0,
			"durable timestamp queue insert to empty" : 0,
			"durable timestamp queue inserts to head" : 0,
			"durable timestamp queue inserts total" : 0,
			"durable timestamp queue length" : 0,
			"number of named snapshots created" : 0,
			"number of named snapshots dropped" : 0,
			"prepared transactions" : 0,
			"prepared transactions committed" : 0,
			"prepared transactions currently active" : 0,
			"prepared transactions rolled back" : 0,
			"query timestamp calls" : 527,
			"read timestamp queue entries walked" : 0,
			"read timestamp queue insert to empty" : 0,
			"read timestamp queue inserts to head" : 0,
			"read timestamp queue inserts total" : 0,
			"read timestamp queue length" : 0,
			"rollback to stable calls" : 0,
			"rollback to stable updates aborted" : 0,
			"rollback to stable updates removed from cache overflow" : 0,
			"set timestamp calls" : 0,
			"set timestamp durable calls" : 0,
			"set timestamp durable updates" : 0,
			"set timestamp oldest calls" : 0,
			"set timestamp oldest updates" : 0,
			"set timestamp stable calls" : 0,
			"set timestamp stable updates" : 0,
			"transaction begins" : 35,
			"transaction checkpoint currently running" : 0,
			"transaction checkpoint generation" : 8,
			"transaction checkpoint max time (msecs)" : 11,
			"transaction checkpoint min time (msecs)" : 2,
			"transaction checkpoint most recent time (msecs)" : 2,
			"transaction checkpoint scrub dirty target" : 0,
			"transaction checkpoint scrub time (msecs)" : 0,
			"transaction checkpoint total time (msecs)" : 35,
			"transaction checkpoints" : 9,
			"transaction checkpoints skipped because database was clean" : 2,
			"transaction failures due to cache overflow" : 0,
			"transaction fsync calls for checkpoint after allocating the transaction ID" : 7,
			"transaction fsync duration for checkpoint after allocating the transaction ID (usecs)" : 0,
			"transaction range of IDs currently pinned" : 0,
			"transaction range of IDs currently pinned by a checkpoint" : 0,
			"transaction range of IDs currently pinned by named snapshots" : 0,
			"transaction range of timestamps currently pinned" : 0,
			"transaction range of timestamps pinned by a checkpoint" : 0,
			"transaction range of timestamps pinned by the oldest active read timestamp" : 0,
			"transaction range of timestamps pinned by the oldest timestamp" : 0,
			"transaction read timestamp of the oldest active reader" : 0,
			"transaction sync calls" : 0,
			"transactions committed" : 4,
			"transactions rolled back" : 31,
			"update conflicts" : 0
		"concurrentTransactions" : {
			"write" : {
				"out" : 0,
				"available" : 128,
				"totalTickets" : 128
			"read" : {
				"out" : 1,
				"available" : 127,
				"totalTickets" : 128
		"snapshot-window-settings" : {
			"cache pressure percentage threshold" : 95,
			"current cache pressure percentage" : NumberLong(0),
			"total number of SnapshotTooOld errors" : NumberLong(0),
			"max target available snapshots window size in seconds" : 5,
			"target available snapshots window size in seconds" : 5,
			"current available snapshots window size in seconds" : 0,
			"latest majority snapshot timestamp available" : "Jan  1 08:00:00:0",
			"oldest majority snapshot timestamp available" : "Jan  1 08:00:00:0"
	"mem" : {           #对MongoDB和当前内存使用情况的统计报告
		"bits" : 64,
		"resident" : 80,
		"virtual" : 1513,
		"supported" : true
	"metrics" : {   #当前MongoDB实例运行的各种状态的统计报告
		"commands" : {
			"buildInfo" : {
				"failed" : NumberLong(0),
				"total" : NumberLong(3)
			"dbStats" : {
				"failed" : NumberLong(0),
				"total" : NumberLong(1)
			"find" : {
				"failed" : NumberLong(0),
				"total" : NumberLong(3)
			"getCmdLineOpts" : {
				"failed" : NumberLong(0),
				"total" : NumberLong(1)
			"getFreeMonitoringStatus" : {
				"failed" : NumberLong(0),
				"total" : NumberLong(1)
			"getLog" : {
				"failed" : NumberLong(0),
				"total" : NumberLong(1)
			"isMaster" : {
				"failed" : NumberLong(0),
				"total" : NumberLong(5)
			"listCollections" : {
				"failed" : NumberLong(0),
				"total" : NumberLong(3)
			"listIndexes" : {
				"failed" : NumberLong(0),
				"total" : NumberLong(4)
			"replSetGetStatus" : {
				"failed" : NumberLong(1),
				"total" : NumberLong(1)
			"serverStatus" : {
				"failed" : NumberLong(0),
				"total" : NumberLong(2)
			"update" : {
				"failed" : NumberLong(0),
				"total" : NumberLong(1)
			"whatsmyuri" : {
				"failed" : NumberLong(0),
				"total" : NumberLong(1)
		"cursor" : {
			"timedOut" : NumberLong(0),
			"open" : {
				"noTimeout" : NumberLong(0),
				"pinned" : NumberLong(0),
				"total" : NumberLong(0)
		"document" : {
			"deleted" : NumberLong(0),
			"inserted" : NumberLong(0),
			"returned" : NumberLong(0),
			"updated" : NumberLong(0)
		"getLastError" : {
			"wtime" : {
				"num" : 0,
				"totalMillis" : 0
			"wtimeouts" : NumberLong(0)
		"operation" : {
			"scanAndOrder" : NumberLong(0),
			"writeConflicts" : NumberLong(0)
		"query" : {
			"planCacheTotalSizeEstimateBytes" : NumberLong(0),
			"updateOneOpStyleBroadcastWithExactIDCount" : NumberLong(0)
		"queryExecutor" : {
			"scanned" : NumberLong(0),
			"scannedObjects" : NumberLong(0)
		"record" : {
			"moves" : NumberLong(0)
		"repl" : {
			"executor" : {
				"pool" : {
					"inProgressCount" : 0
				"queues" : {
					"networkInProgress" : 0,
					"sleepers" : 0
				"unsignaledEvents" : 0,
				"shuttingDown" : false,
				"networkInterface" : "DEPRECATED: getDiagnosticString is deprecated in NetworkInterfaceTL"
			"apply" : {
				"attemptsToBecomeSecondary" : NumberLong(0),
				"batchSize" : NumberLong(0),
				"batches" : {
					"num" : 0,
					"totalMillis" : 0
				"ops" : NumberLong(0)
			"buffer" : {
				"count" : NumberLong(0),
				"maxSizeBytes" : NumberLong(0),
				"sizeBytes" : NumberLong(0)
			"initialSync" : {
				"completed" : NumberLong(0),
				"failedAttempts" : NumberLong(0),
				"failures" : NumberLong(0)
			"network" : {
				"bytes" : NumberLong(0),
				"getmores" : {
					"num" : 0,
					"totalMillis" : 0
				"notMasterLegacyUnacknowledgedWrites" : NumberLong(0),
				"notMasterUnacknowledgedWrites" : NumberLong(0),
				"ops" : NumberLong(0),
				"readersCreated" : NumberLong(0)
			"stepDown" : {
				"userOperationsKilled" : NumberLong(0),
				"userOperationsRunning" : NumberLong(0)
		"ttl" : {
			"deletedDocuments" : NumberLong(0),
			"passes" : NumberLong(8)
	"ok" : 1

七. db.stats命令


> db.stats()
	"db" : "test",   #数据库名称
	"collections" : 5,   #集合数量
	"views" : 0,
	"objects" : 14,   #文档对象的个数,所有集合的记录数之和
	"avgObjSize" : 87.14285714285714,  #平均每个对象的大小,通过dataSize/objects得到
	"dataSize" : 1220,  #当前库所有集合的数据大小
	"storageSize" : 155648,   #磁盘存储大小
	"numExtents" : 0,     #所有集合的扩展数据量统计数
	"indexes" : 9,       #已建立索引数量
	"indexSize" : 229376,   #索引大小
	"scaleFactor" : 1,
	"fsUsedSize" : 5491126272,
	"fsTotalSize" : 18238930944,
	"ok" : 1



1. 注意索引数据对象



  • _id,0.01%(万分之一),每条都不重复(这是_id键值对的特点)
  • name,0.01%(万分之一),每条都不重复(数据输入后产生的特点)
  • price,30%(万分之三千),近三分之一的重复率(数据输入后产生的特点)
  • press,100%,1万条都重复(数据输入后产生的特点)
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e353bed68e115bedd289f93"), "name" : "C语言", "price" : 32.5, "press" : "水利水电出版社" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e353bfe68e115bedd289f94"), "name" : "B语言", "price" : 50, "press" : "水利水电出版社" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e353c1068e115bedd289f95"), "name" : "D语言", "price" : 40, "press" : "水利水电出版社" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e353c1d68e115bedd289f96"), "name" : "E语言", "price" : 50, "press" : "水利水电出版社" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e353c2f68e115bedd289f97"), "name" : "G语言", "price" : 50, "press" : "水利水电出版社" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e353c3c68e115bedd289f98"), "name" : "T语言", "price" : 35, "press" : "水利水电出版社" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e353c4968e115bedd289f99"), "name" : "F语言", "price" : 36.1, "press" : "水利水电出版社" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e353c5668e115bedd289f9a"), "name" : "H语言", "price" : 29, "press" : "水利水电出版社" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e353c6568e115bedd289f9b"), "name" : "I语言", "price" : 50, "press" : "水利水电出版社" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e353c7e68e115bedd289f9c"), "name" : "J语言", "price" : 50, "press" : "水利水电出版社" }



2. 用Explain()做对比测试



  • 第一步,在没有索引的情况下,查询该字段的price=50的值,并利用Explain()获取第一次执行的速度
> db.GoodsInf.find({price:50}).explain("executionStats")
  • 第二步,先为price字段建立一个索引,然后查询该字段的price=50的值,并利用Explain()获取第二次执行的速度。
> db.GoodsInf.createIndex({price:1})
> db.GoodsInf.find({price:50}).explain("executionStats")


3. 慎用索引功能




4. 查询只返回需要的字段


> db.GoodsInf.find({price:50})  #返回集合文档的所有字段
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e353bfe68e115bedd289f94"), "name" : "B语言", "price" : 50, "press" : "水利水电出版社" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e353c1d68e115bedd289f96"), "name" : "E语言", "price" : 50, "press" : "水利水电出版社" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e353c2f68e115bedd289f97"), "name" : "G语言", "price" : 50, "press" : "水利水电出版社" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e353c6568e115bedd289f9b"), "name" : "I语言", "price" : 50, "press" : "水利水电出版社" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e353c7e68e115bedd289f9c"), "name" : "J语言", "price" : 50, "press" : "水利水电出版社" }
> db.GoodsInf.find({price:50},{name:1,_id:0})  #显示指出需要返回的字段
{ "name" : "B语言" }
{ "name" : "E语言" }
{ "name" : "G语言" }
{ "name" : "I语言" }
{ "name" : "J语言" }
> db.GoodsInf.find({price:50},{name:1,_id:0}).limit(3) #最多返回3条
{ "name" : "B语言" }
{ "name" : "E语言" }
{ "name" : "G语言" }

5. 使用$inc函数实现服务器端字段值的增减操作


> db.GoodsInf.updateOne({name:"C语言"},{$set: {"price": 35 }})

> db.GoodsInf.updateOne({name:"C语言"},{$inc: {"price": 25 }})

6. or和*or和and使用要点


$or 在安排多条件组合检索时,把匹配最多的字段放在最左边位置,匹配第二多的放左边第二的位置,依次类推,这样做可以提高检索速度。

> db.GoodsInf.find({ $or: [ {price:50},{name:"C语言"}]})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e353bed68e115bedd289f93"), "name" : "C语言", "price" : 75, "press" : "水利水电出版社" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e353bfe68e115bedd289f94"), "name" : "B语言", "price" : 50, "press" : "水利水电出版社" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e353c1d68e115bedd289f96"), "name" : "E语言", "price" : 50, "press" : "水利水电出版社" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e353c2f68e115bedd289f97"), "name" : "G语言", "price" : 50, "press" : "水利水电出版社" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e353c6568e115bedd289f9b"), "name" : "I语言", "price" : 50, "press" : "水利水电出版社" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e353c7e68e115bedd289f9c"), "name" : "J语言", "price" : 50, "press" : "水利水电出版社" }

$and 在安排多条件组合检索时,把匹配最少的字段放在最左边位置,匹配第二少的放左边第二的位置,依次类推,这样做可以提高检索速度。

> db.GoodsInf.find({ $and: [ {name:"B语言"},{"price":50} ]})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e353bfe68e115bedd289f94"), "name" : "B语言", "price" : 50, "press" : "水利水电出版社" }


MongoDB 读写分离

通过MongoDB 数据库系统建立副本集节点,实现主节点数据异步复制到从节点后,会大幅提高数据的安全性和可操作性。但是在默认安装方式下,客户端应用程序只对主节点实现读、写操作,不会直接对从节点进行读写操作。



1. MongoDB所支持的读优化模式


  • primary: 默认规则,所有读请求发到Primary,也就是读写都在主节点上操作;
  • primaryPreferred: Primary优先,如果Primary不可达,请求Secondary;这种模式可以最大化保证可用性,但是读响应性能提高不会太明显,当从从节点读取数据时,存在读取数据不一致的可能性;
  • secondary: 所有的读请求都发到secondary,这是读写分离最彻底的设置模式,可以大幅度提高读的响应性能,但是由于复制延迟的原因,存在读取数据不一致的可能性;
  • secondaryPreferred:Secondary优先,当所有Secondary不可达时,请求Primary,存在读取数据不一致的可能性;
  • nearest:读请求发送到最小网络延迟的可达节点上(通过ping探测得出最近的节点),这意味着也许从主节点读取数据,也许从从节点读取。该模式保证读取数据时延迟时间最小,但是不能保证数据的一致性。


2. MongoDB读写分离操作

根据MongoDB 官网提供的资料,对读写方式的控制主要通过应用程序端代码的编写进行灵活控制,这里控制的地方可以是建立数据库连接时进行,可以只指定对一个数据库文件进行读取,也可以只指定某一个读命令。另外,也可以通过MongoDB shell平台来实现对相关节点的数据读写操作。


2.1 shell平台读操作

通过MongoDB shell平台,在主节点上执行如下代码命令,则查询的是当前主节点的数据库集合内容。

rs0:PRIMARY> db.books.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e33e15836a42c3aa797c72b"), "name" : "C语言基础", "price" : 30 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e33e3ed36a42c3aa797c72c"), "name" : "python语言基础", "price" : 45 }


rs0:SECONDARY> db.books.find()
Error: error: {
	"operationTime" : Timestamp(1580568822, 1),
	"ok" : 0,
	"errmsg" : "not master and slaveOk=false",
	"code" : 13435,
	"codeName" : "NotMasterNoSlaveOk",
	"$clusterTime" : {
		"clusterTime" : Timestamp(1580568822, 1),
		"signature" : {
			"keyId" : NumberLong(0)


rs0:SECONDARY> db.getMongo().setSlaveOk()
rs0:SECONDARY> db.books.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e33e15836a42c3aa797c72b"), "name" : "C语言基础", "price" : 30 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e33e3ed36a42c3aa797c72c"), "name" : "python语言基础", "price" : 45 }


rs0:SECONDARY> rs.slaveOk()
rs0:SECONDARY> db.books.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e33e15836a42c3aa797c72b"), "name" : "C语言基础", "price" : 30 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e33e3ed36a42c3aa797c72c"), "name" : "python语言基础", "price" : 45 }


> db.books.find().readPref("secondary")



2.2 异步复制带来的问题


2.2.1 异步复制原理


  1. 业务系统从客户端发送一条写入命令,如电子商务平台里的商品评论信息,然后先写入主节点A,A同步把新增的该命令数据写入A节点自己的Oplog.rs封顶集合中;
  2. 接着,从节点B和C通过心跳功能,得到主节点A数据新增消息,就向主节点提交数据复制请求;
  3. 主节点把自己记录的Oplog记录分别复制给B、C从节点本地的Oplog.rs封顶集合;
  4. 从节点将Oplog.rs封顶集合里的最新数据刷新到从节点的数据库中,完成一次数据复制过程

Oplog(operations log)是一个特殊的封顶集合(capped collection,一个固定大小的集合,当它达到其最大大小时自动覆盖其最旧的条目。),它保存修改数据库中存储的数据的所有操作的滚动记录。


Storage Engine Default Oplog Size Lower Bound Upper Bound
In-Memory Storage Engine 5% of physical memory 50 MB 50 GB
WiredTiger Storage Engine 5% of free disk space 990 MB 50 GB

为了提高插入速度,Oplog采用Capped Collection技术,实现数据记录大小的固定,超过限制上限后,新插入的数据将覆盖最旧的数据。

Oplog日志存放位置:replica sets架构下,local.oplog.rs

2.2.2 存在问题



  • 在第一次建立副本集时,指定合适大小Oplog空间。
   oplogSizeMB: <int>   #指定合适的大小
   replSetName: <string>
   secondaryIndexPrefetch: <string>
   enableMajorityReadConcern: <boolean>
  • 在MongoDB生产运行中从新设置Oplog的大小。
    • 先查看当前Oplog大小,单位是字节
use local
  • 重设大小,不用重启即生效,单位为M
db.adminCommand({replSetResizeOplog:1, size: 16384})


  • 在客户端进行写操作时,利用write concern规则保证写到大多数从节点成功,以避免数据回滚问题的发生。利用写命令直接限制: 另外一种方法,在主节点的配置文件里设置,这样,所有的插入操作都要求要么复制到大多数从节点,要么提醒插入失败,以保证数据的一致性。
   { item: "envelopes", qty : 100, type: "Clasp" },
   { writeConcern: { w: "majority" , wtimeout: 5000 } }
> rsconfig=rs.conf()
> rsconfig.settings.getLastErrorDefaults = { w: "majority", wtimeout: 5000}
> rs.reconfig(rsconfig)
  • 旧primary将回滚的数据写到单独的rollback目录下,数据库技术人员可根据需要使用mongorestore进行恢复。


  • 方法一:通过人工复制主节点的数据到新的从节点(单机状态),然后接入副本集;
  • 方法二:利用时间差来同步数据,如利用晚上时间,把新的从节点接入副本集,利用其的初始化机制(Initial Sync),自动同步数据。

2.3 读写分离应用场景


2.3.1 一致性不敏感的数据


2.3.2 后台统计分析数据


2.3.3 写入不频繁,读高负荷的场景
